Eye Exercises To Reduce Eye Strain


The World Health Organization (WHO) states that approximately 2.2 billion people have at least one form of eyesight problem. These sad statistics are traced back to eye-straining as one of the leading causes of eyesight problems. Fortunately, people with eyesight problems can always alleviate their condition by training their eyes. These are major exercises to reduce eye stain you can perform at home or with the help of a doctor.

  1. Occasionally roll your eyes.

Eyes are operated by muscles which open and close them. Rolling your eyes occasionally relieves the tension in the muscles. There are four different ways you can roll your eyes and reduce eye strain;

  • Gentle roll your eyes from the center to the left side of your face. Once you reach a point where you cannot roll them anymore, let them rest a little bit while in that position.

  • Slowly return your eyes to the original position, whereby your eyes are focusing perpendicular to your face. Repeat the process for the left side several times until you start feeling some sort of relief.

  • Still, from the center, when your eyes are in a relaxed position, try and focus on your eyebrows; you will realize you are rolling your eyes vertically.

  • Repeat the above process but when focusing on the nose.

  • This process is an effective eye strain treatment method you can apply at home, and it has multiple benefits. It reduces soreness and itchiness. Nevertheless, roll your eyes using this four-step procedure three or more times an hour to get the best outcomes.

  1. Palm your eyes when you feel they are straining

Palming is another effective home remedy that is used as eye strain exercise. It relieves worn-out and tired eyes.

When palming, rub your palms against each other until they are warm. Secondly, close your eyes and gently place your warm palms on them. Do not apply pressure when palming since it’s not advisable- the process needs to be gentle. Thirdly, stay in that position for at least 30 seconds, and then repeat the process severally.

As one of the most effective eyes strain exercises performed today, palming relieves the eyes in the following ways;

  • Since your eyes are always closed during palming, doctors agree that the process of closing and opening your eyes is an exercise on its own that can reduce eye-straining.

  • According to webmd.com, some studies point out that palming helps your eyes recover from hard work by improving the circulation of blood and fluids around the eyes.

  1. Perform warm compresses as one of eye strain exercises

This is one of the most renowned and advocated exercises to reduce eye strain in the field of medicine. The process works similarly to palming.

According to a USA health care website, healthline.com, here is the simplest way of performing warm compresses exercises to reduce eye strain;

  • Fill a bowl with lukewarm water but not burning to the touch.

  • Take a clean towel and soak it in the water. Remove excess water by wrinkling the towel.

  • Fold the towel into uniform squares and place it in the affected area. You can refold the towel when the side you are using cools down.

  • Repeat the process severally until the symptoms are alleviated.

Warm compresses relieve your eyes from a number of conditions; styes medically known as hordeola, swollen eyes, pink eyes, black eyes, and dry eyes are a few of them.

  1. Focus changing

After working for several days, especially on a computer, it is possible you may feel like your eyes are locked on a specific point. Focus changing is the best eye strain treatment method you may use after working on a computer for long hours. This is a two-step procedure, and here is how you can do it.

  • Place your index finger a few inches from your nose. Try and focus on the finger while it is still in its original position.

  • Move your finger away from your nose until the arm is fully stretched. During this process, do not change the position of your eyes.

  1. Slow blinking

One of the effects of looking on a screen for a long time is you don’t blink often. This limits the amount of lubricating fluid and blood circulating around your eyes which can result in itchy and swollen eyes. Slow blinking reduces eye strain by lubricating your eyes.

To perform this exercise to reduce eye strain, look directly ahead into a blank space or wall. Slowly close your eyes and let them remain so for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then gently open them. Repeat the slow blinking process 20 times nonstop; you will feel your eyes lubricated and refreshed with each slow blink you make.

  1. Write imaginary words on the wall.

Have you ever thought of possessing superhuman abilities like beaming laser rays from your eyes, similar to a movie star Cyclops? If yes, you might be doing one of the exercises to reduce eye strain.

First, stand near a blank wall without any pictures or windows approximately 10 feet away. Second, imagine your eyes possess extraordinary abilities, and they are emitting a strong laser beam that cuts through the wall. Trace some letters on the wall from one point moving to the other. Repeat this process over and over again until you feel like you have curved out the entire wall and nothing is remaining.

As one of the eye strain exercises, beaming strengthens your eye muscles; as a result, weak muscles in the eye get stimulated.


There are very many eye strain exercises you can perform in your free time, but the above examples will get you started. Perform these eye strain exercises when you feel like your eyes are tired, swollen or itching. If the symptoms persist, please visit a doctor.


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